Xtream Codes 1.0.60 Fresh Install 100% Working

For This installation you Need:

1. Dedicated server or VPS
2. Ubuntu 14.04 64 Bit as minimal clean installation

Step 1:
1. With putty login to your server root, then enter this code.

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install lsb-release nscd curl php5 php5-mysql php5-cli php5-curl unzip -y && apt-get install php5-mcrypt && php5enmod mcrypt

2. Download and Install the Script, copy and paste:

wget http://upload.happy-team.org:8080/upserver/user_uploads/freeadmin33a6/xtream-codes.sh

3. Set the permissions (copy and paste)
Apache config:

chmod 777 xtream-codes.sh

4. Start the installation of the Script


5. Questions about updates all with Y confirm.

6. When requesting license from xtream panel, open winscp or other similar program and go to the folder located in

var/www/html/modules/servers/licensig] and edit the verify.php folder, and then I followed her <? php will paste this

// If U Want Change Licenses Here, From Bubi1, 2, 3, etc. Insert Ur Name

$ Licenses = array (‘bubi1’);
7. back to putty license [bubi1]

8. Fill the database password

9. Fill the port

10. Fill the panel password

11. Rename the Server

Xtream codes 1.60 panel is installed
To go to the panel [ server ip: port you chose

Load Balancer Working.

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Xtream Codes 2.7.8 - Basic (old) Version - Full Decoded Files incl. installer.php